This Program Overview and Terms and Conditions (the "Partnership Agreement") govern the Partnership Program that is made available by Non Acidic Beverages, LLC (“NOOMA”, "we", or "us"). This Overview and Terms and Conditions represent the whole agreement and understanding between NOOMA and the individual or entity who participates in the Partnership Program (the "Partner", or "you"). By participating in the NOOMA Partnership Program you consent to all stipulations presented in this agreement.
NOOMA partners will promote NOOMA’s products and services through social media, personal relationships, and clients. NOOMA will help provide content and support for postings. Partners will provide their network/followers with affiliate Links & Discount Codes. The affiliate Links & Discount Codes are shared with the audience of the respective partner and 1) allow NOOMA to track and credit any sales associated with each code for purposes of paying Commissions and 2) provide discounts on NOOMA’s products and services to their customers.
Partner acknowledges and agrees to give NOOMA a worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, transferable, and perpetual right and license to reproduce, publish, distribute, display, repost, share, create derivative works, and edit all content created for on behalf of NOOMA by the partner in any media.
Whitelisting / Advertiser Access is granted to the Partner's social accounts for any period the partnership is active. NOOMA agrees to only promote mutually agreed-upon content through the Partners' social accounts.
Partners acknowledge and agree that they will not acquire any ownership interest in any form of property owned or licensed to NOOMA under this Partnership Program.
Additionally, the partner should not use NOOMA’s marketing materials or Intellectual Property of any form unless authorized by NOOMA.
Partners enter into this partnership at their own discretion. NOOMA has the right to terminate a partner's participation in the partnership at any time with or without cause.
Partners and NOOMA understand that this partnership does not create a fiduciary relationship, trust, or agency between the partner and NOOMA. Any services provided by an partner are solely as an independent contractor. NOOMA partners are not employees of NOOMA.
In no event should NOOMA have any liability under any provision of this Partnership Program for any direct or indirect damages, including loss of future income or business opportunity, due to the breach or alleged breach of this partnership.
The Partnership Program shall be administered by NOOMA and NOOMA has the sole authority to interpret and amend any rules relating to the partnership.
NOOMA reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this partnership at its sole discretion at any time. Any changes to the program made by NOOMA will be communicated to the partner. The decisions of NOOMA are final and binding on all partners.
In the event the partnership is terminated by NOOMA, NOOMA will have no further obligation to pay partners on any sales occurring after the termination date. Commissions will be paid on sales made prior to termination of the partnership in whole or in any part with any partner.